What's the Big Idea?

Our intention is to provide a facility specific to Mexican literature, Hispanic publications, historical movies, and other artifacts for educational research enrichment.
Desired location within Stockton, the previous Fair Oaks Branch Library building which was closed in 2010.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Abuelita Storytime

One of the ideas to incorporate into a bilingual library has to be Storytime! And who better to tell stories than a loving Abuelita? I get excited thinking how we can encourage the community to come together in this way. 

These past two weeks have been spent writing down an action plan, forming a business plan & gathering support. Step by step, a bilingual library & technology resource center will happen! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Do you dream in Spanish?

When my mother told me she sometimes dreams in Spanish, I was jealous! Why I have never dreamt in Spanish?! I was reminded of her when I came across “Trilingual poems” video by ¡Colorín Colorado! with Francisco Alarcón, bilingual poet and author.

Youtube Video by ¡Colorín Colorado! For more information: http://www.colorincolorado.org/

Francisco Alarcón explains when writing "Snake Eyes", a unique collection of trilingual (Spanish, English, Nahuatl) poems, he found using these different languages allowed for better representation and expression.

How wonderful to go back and forth with various languages; in a dream or in thought!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"We want more! We want more!" Languages!

Thanks to ¡Colorín colorado! for the video, “Two Languages at a Time”. It has wonderful examples of how Ms. Gonsalves 2nd grade teacher at Webster Elementary, Long Beach, California, 'gives equal time to both her native English and native Spanish speakers.'

Youtube Video by ¡Colorín Colorado! For more information go to: http://www.colorincolorado.org/

Perfect example of how bilingualism is possible and should be encouraged at a young age. I love the example of helping a young girl understand the word dinosaur. Why not have the resources to help continue this learning outside of the classroom? This is the vision of Revive Fair Oaks Library!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ask & you shall receive

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to share the Big Idea to several people at the Latina’s Think Big event at the Google Headquarters in LA. What a wonderful experience!

There’s a long list of follow ups and to-do’s to work on. I don’t want to, and certainly can’t, do this alone! Assembling a committed team is a crucial priority! Join the effort!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Recap!

Researching bilingual libraries, bookstores and bookshops this week lead to more questions about the vision to revive Fair Oaks Library. What will it look like? What days & hours will it be open? What services will the community really want from their library & tech center? It's exciting to uncover the possibilities!
Take another look at 2 inspirational places >>

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mi Abuelita is better than your Grandma

Just kidding! But seriously, my grandmother speaks Spanish and English perfectly (she’s a stickler for grammar) and even a few German words here and there. According to Science News Jan 8, 2013 article “Cognitive Benefit of Lifelong Bilingualism” a report on a study by Brian T. Gold, PhD, and colleagues at the University Of Kentucky College Of Medicine. The study suggests seniors who have spoken two languages since childhood have stronger cognitive flexibility compared to their peers.

Discovery News has a great video on this topic.

Speak 2 languages for a healthier mind? Kind of a no-brainer huh?!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Searching for other bilingual bookstores...

Searching further, I came across another bilingual bookshop, Libros Schmibros, in Los Angeles, CA Boyle Heights neighborhood. I’m excited to make time to look around this wonderful place soon!

David Kipen, a former book critic for the San Francisco Chronicle and former director of national reading initiatives at the National Endowment for the Arts, opened Libros Schmibros in July, 2010.
David writes an interesting article on his bookshop here: www.jewishjournal.com/cover_story/article/bringing_books_to_boyle_heights_20110713/

I had to smile at his comment, “A year ago, on July 19 (2010), I opened Libros Schmibros to the public. Nobody knew what to make of it at first — not my family and friends, not my new neighbors, really not me either.” I feel this sentiment as well right now knowing a bilingual bookstore should exist here in Stockton but no exact details yet. And I’m excited by that thought. I have no details and therefore the canvas is clear; ready to be developed by the community it will serve.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Surrounded by Latina trailblazers

The ELLA LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Training Conference in NYC this coming April 2014 will help attendees network with other Latinas who are succeeding in various businesses, learn valuable tips and insights. I’m excited to attend in person to keep the trailblazing spark lit! After watching last year’s event on Youtube, I was blown away! I was impressed to hear Latinas not just talking about doing something but actually telling their story of how they did it and how I and others can do it too. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about the impact we can and do make in our homes, communities and the world we live in. Continuing the conversation on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites allows a daily reminder achievement is possible and may I even say – expected!
It was impossible not to be inspired to do something big right here at home! Stockton, CA is home to my family, my extended family and many friends. I grew up on the East side of town and have fond memories of frequently visiting the Fair Oaks Library in the early 80’s. Many afternoons were spent walking to the library to read, listen to the storytellers or just play there with friends. Sadly, it closed in 2010, among many buildings in Stockton as our city began facing bankruptcy. This was the only library available to families in this area. For many years it served our community whose statistics scream out as one in need of valuable educational resources. I want to see our community of East Stockton, CA revive this into a bilingual library and technology center offering books and various publications in Spanish and English, provide technology resources and become a place where we can build ourselves into a strong, educated community ready for the future. My next steps are to continue to connect with supporting partners, create community awareness and of course gather funding.

It can be done because it has been done

What was once just a passing thought became a possibility when I read a Facebook post of La Casa Azul Bookstore in East Harlem, NY. After seeing numerous postings of activities, book club discussions, and workshops - wow, I was blown away! It was my first time really seeing a successful, active bilingual book store.
La Casa Azul Bookstore, owned by Aurora Anaya Cerda, opened on June 1, 2012. Among various awards and recognitions, recently she was honored by The White House as a Champion of Change. Various literary activities include book clubs, author signings, writer’s conferences and workshops to name a few.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What's the "big idea"?

As a child, I remember frequently visiting the Fair Oaks Library in Stockton, CA in the early 80’s. I can remember many afternoons walking over to the library to read a book, listen to the storytellers or just play there with friends.
Located within East Stockton, it has been the only library available to families in this area. For many years, it served this needing community whose recent statistics scream out as one in need of valuable educational resources - Unemployment: 18%; Residents below the poverty level: 31%; Median resident age: 26; Males: 53.8%; Females: 46.2%; Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all: 30.1%; Percentage of foreign born residents: 37.3%; Percentage of family households: 58.2%; Percentage of people 3 years and older in K-12 schools: 28.6%; Percentage of students K-12 enrolled in private schools: 32.2%. Percentage of people in undergraduate colleges: 6.6%; Percentage of people 3 years and older in Grad or professional schools: 2.1%.
Unfortunately it was closed in 2010, among many buildings in Stockton as our city began facing bankruptcy. Since then it has stood silent and boarded up. I have driven past this building many times nostalgic for the days people would make use of this wonderful place. I want to see our community revive it into a Bilingual Library & Technology Center. To offer books & various publications in Spanish & English, provide technology resources & become a place where we can build ourselves into a strong, educated community ready for the future. My next steps are to continue to connect with supporting partners, create community awareness and of course gather funding.