What's the Big Idea?

Our intention is to provide a facility specific to Mexican literature, Hispanic publications, historical movies, and other artifacts for educational research enrichment.
Desired location within Stockton, the previous Fair Oaks Branch Library building which was closed in 2010.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It can be done because it has been done

What was once just a passing thought became a possibility when I read a Facebook post of La Casa Azul Bookstore in East Harlem, NY. After seeing numerous postings of activities, book club discussions, and workshops - wow, I was blown away! It was my first time really seeing a successful, active bilingual book store.
La Casa Azul Bookstore, owned by Aurora Anaya Cerda, opened on June 1, 2012. Among various awards and recognitions, recently she was honored by The White House as a Champion of Change. Various literary activities include book clubs, author signings, writer’s conferences and workshops to name a few.

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